
YMUN brings together more than 2,000 delegates from over 40 countries.



Yale Model United Nations is a four-day international relations simulation for high school students, held on Yale University’s campus in New Haven. At YMUN, delegates from all over the world interact with one another through debate and diplomacy to solve complex challenges facing the world today. At YMUN, delegates will have the opportunity to take on roles of UN representatives, policymakers, and important figures at our virtual conference and learn about the inner workings of global politics and problem-solving. By engaging in topics concerning international and national security, political and economic development, human rights, sustainability, and more, delegates learn to navigate the intricacies of international negotiation and teamwork, adopt new perspectives, and develop comprehensive resolutions on pressing global issues.

This year, YMUN 51 will strive to provide delegates from around the world with an opportunity to participate in a dynamic, educational, and enriching opportunity to hone in and showcase their abilities. It is this passion, commitment, and care that make YMUN one of the premier global Model UN conferences.

Alumni from my school cite YMUN as one of the high points of their entire high school experience. Thank you so much for your hard work!
— YMUN XLVI Delegation
As an advisor, I totally enjoyed having the possibility of witnessing the committee sessions on real time. This is my 1st time [being able] to see all my delegates in action, as well as the proceedings in other committees. It was so life-giving to listen to the voices of the young leaders expressing their thoughts on global issues.
As someone who loves bringing my delegates to YMUN every year, you created the next best thing. It’s also so cool how ‘extra-international’ YMUN could be in a virtual space.
— YMUN XLVII Delegation


Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow

YMUN aims to empower students from high schools around the globe through deep and active engagement with complex global issues. At YMUN, delegates develop skills in diplomacy, cooperation, and critical thinking that motivate lifelong global citizenship. Delegates leave YMUN with the knowledge that they can make an impact and affect positive change in the world.



Learn Today

With our comprehensive chair recruitment and preparation procedure, we strive to create a fun, educational, dynamic committee experience for all delegates regardless of skill level. Our chairs are Yale students who are dedicated and passionate educators ready to be proactive with delegates. YMUN is also proud to provide both in-conference training and online pre-conference training.

Lead Tomorrow

Due to our commitment to learning, we hope delegates leave our conference with a greater awareness of global issues, equipped with the tools and motivation to make a difference. Through our keynote speaker, partnership with a non-profit organization, and new out-of-committee learning initiatives, we strive to integrate impact, responsibility, and action into our conference events.

Engage with Yale

Unlike many other conferences, YMUN is hosted on Yale’s beautiful campus and allows delegates and advisors to experience what our university has to offer. Even if you are partcipating virtually, through Yale Day, the Global Exchange Program and our Showcase, delegates will meet Yale students and professors to not only learn about international relations, but also to gain insight into college life and beyond.



Peilin Lu

Peilin (she/her) has loved her time serving on the Secretariats of YMUN 49 and 50 and is honored to be the Secretary-General of YMUN LI! Originally from Beijing, China, and Syracuse, New York, Peilin studies History and Political Science at Yale with a certificate in Advanced German. Outside of YMUN, she is the Secretary-General of YMUN China and the co-Center Head of the Yale Policy Institute’s Equal Justice Center. In her free time, she enjoys stage acting as a member of Vermillion Theatre, visiting cafes with friends, and going on long walks with her dogs, Hector and Feifei. She is happy to answer any questions at secgen@ymun.org and can’t wait to meet all the young leaders in January!

of Operations:
Natalie elder

Natalie Elder (she/her) is a rising sophomore in Pierson College from Fancy Farm, Kentucky and is a prospective History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health major. After her amazing experience during YMUN50, Natalie knew she had to return to this wonderful conference and is so excited to serve as DG Operations and work with such an incredible, talented secretariat! Natalie cannot wait to make this conference the best one yet! Outside of YMUN, she is also a Community Health Educator, a member of Alpha Phi, a Yale and You Counselor, and enjoys starting her mornings with all of the New York Times games (ask her about her best crossword time). Natalie can be reached at dg.operations@ymun.org 

of Committees:
samantha moon

Samantha (she/her) is a rising junior in Pauli Murray College from Los Angeles, California. She is a History and Economics double major. Outside of YMUN, Samantha edits for the Yale Historical Review and is the Editor-in-Chief of The Politic. In her free time, Samantha can typically be found at Common Grounds drinking a large black coffee. She is so excited for this year’s conference and cannot wait to meet all of the delegates. Samantha can be reached by email at dg.committees@ymun.org

of General Assemblies:
Jessica Huang

Jessica (she/her) is a sophomore from Chicago, Illinois and lives in Silliman College on campus. She plans to major in Statistics and Data Science, and was on the secretariat for YMUN Taiwan X. Besides Model UN, Jessica helps provide Connecticut small claims information to those might need it and choreographs for Danceworks. She is also an elite Level 10 rhythmic gymnast and a member of the national elite squad team, plays the piano and watches Chinese dramas. She’s super excited to serve as a USG of General Assemblies for YMUN 51! Please do not hesitate to reach out with anything at all at ga@ymun.org.

Under-Secretary-General of General Assemblies:
Emma Upson

Emma (she/her) is a sophomore in Benjamin Franklin College and is beyond excited to be one of your USG’s of General Assemblies for YMUN 51! She is from Naples, Florida and is pursuing a major in Architecture with a concentration in Design. YMUN 50 was one of the highlights of her first year at Yale and she is so happy to be returning for another amazing year. Besides YMUN, she is a Design Editor and Staff Member for the Yale Record, and participates in various campus theater productions. If you have any questions, or simply want to discuss her undying love for Phoebe Bridgers, Chappell Roan, or The Backseat Lovers, feel free to reach Emma at ga@ymun.org.

Under-Secretary-General of social/Economic Councils:
Sarvenaz mohaghegh

Sarvenaz (she/her) is a rising sophomore in Grace Hopper College, double majoring in Economics and Global Affairs. She is originally from Tehran, Iran, and has also lived in Bosnia and Herzegovina for two years. She had an amazing time serving as the Assistant Secretary General of ECOSOC for YMUN 50 and is thrilled to be back on the secretariat for YMUN 51. Outside of YMUN, she is a member of the Yale Student Investment Group and Yale’s competitive Model UN team. In her free time, she enjoys exploring cafes in New Haven with friends, crocheting, and writing poems. She cannot wait to meet all the delegates at YMUN 51 and hopes that it will be a memorable experience for everyone! Sarvenaz can be reached at ecosoc@ymun.org.

OF Regional bodies:
kate foglesong

Kate Foglesong (she/her) is a sophomore in Branford college from Atlanta, Georgia. She plans to double-major in Ethics, Politics, & Economics and Spanish. Kate is very exited to be your Under-Secretary-General of Regional Bodies, having served as the Assistant-Secretary-General of Regional Bodies during YMUN 50. On campus, Kate is also involved in the Yale Undergraduate Consulting Group, Bridges ESL, and Club Swimming. In her free time, she loves reading, trying new restaurants, and going on walks. Kate is very excited for YMUN LI and to meet everyone during the conference! You can reach her at rb@ymun.org.

OF specialized Committees:
anthony busatta

Anthony Busatta is a rising sophomore in Trumbull College (Moorah!) and is excited to serve as an Assistant Secretary-General of delegations! He is from Cape Coral, Florida and is planning on double majoring in Chemical Engineering and Political Science. He is a part of MUNTY, Yale's competition Model UN team as well as the Student Technology Collaborative and the TrumButt. His favorite spot on campus is either the Haas Arts Library or the Trumbull courtyard. He is looking forward to meeting all the wonderful delegates attending and can't wait for the conference to begin! He can be reached at asg.delegations3@ymun.org.

of crisis committees:
anna calkins

Anna (she/her) is a Chicago native entering her second year at Yale. Last year, she loved being the ASG of Crisis so much that she came back for more, and she could not be more excited! On campus, she works as a research assistant on a historical linguistic project, plays with the Yale Concert Band and competes with the women's water polo team. In her free time, you can find her bouldering, reading, or shutting it down at intramural volleyball. Feel free to reach out to her with any questions about crisis at YMUN or whatever else is on your mind at crisis@ymun.org.

of external affairs:
riley getchell

Riley Getchell is a rising sophomore in Silliman College from Whitman, Massachusetts, and plans on majoring in Political Science with a certificate in Education Studies. Outside of YMUN, she is the Deputy Elections Coordinator for Yale Dems, a library assistant at the YCBA, and a Yale & You Counselor for the Admissions Office. In her free time you can find her taking a walk, playing tennis, or drinking an iced mocha. She is super excited to help put on this conference, and can be reached @external@ymun.org !

under-secretary-general Of domestic Delegations:
elizabeth steeves

Elizabeth Steeves (she/her) is a rising sophomore in Grace Hopper College from Trumbull, Connecticut studying history and is thrilled to be serving as Under-Secretary General of Domestic Delegations for YMUN LI. Outside of YMUN, she is the Brief Writing Captain for the Yale Undergraduate Moot Court team, a Yale tour guide, and tutors through Dwight Hall at Yale. In her free time, you can find Elizabeth on early morning hikes, working through an ever-growing TBR, or watching the latest season of Survivor. Feel free to reach to Elizabeth out with any questions to domestic@ymun.org. She can't wait to see everyone at the conference in January!

under-secretary-general Of International Delegations:: deewa rahim

Deewa (she/her) is a sophomore from Portland, Oregon in Timothy Dwight College. She is a Political Science major. Outside of her work as YMUN’s Under-Secretary-General of International Delegations, she is a TD Aide, a tutor for Bridges ESL, and part of the Yale Afghan Students Association. She is very excited to meet everyone! Deewa can be reached at international@ymun.org.

YMUn 51 director of security:
ayush tibrewal

OF Conference and events:
Sebastian cordero muniz

Sebastian (he/him) is a first-year in Ezra Stiles from Williamsburg, Virginia. He is a prospective double major in Economics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. Outside of YMUN, he is involved in the Yale Policy Institute, the Yale Journal of Medicine and Law, and the Yale New Haven Hospital’s Volunteering Program. In his free time, Sebastian enjoys reading, learning languages, and spending time with friends. Sebastian can’t wait for this year’s conference and is looking forward to meeting all the delegates at the conference. Feel free to reach out at conference@ymun.org.







OF branding:
alexis lam

Alexis (she/her) is a rising sophomore in Ezra Stiles College from Long Beach, California. She is a prospective Political Science major with an international relations concentration and hopes to pursue a certificate in Japanese. Outside of YMUN, she is a board member of the Vietnamese Student Association Political Committee, an Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS) Fellow with Yale Dems, and a graphic designer for the Yale Daily News Instagram. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, reading, embroidering and getting coffee with friends. She is very excited to meet all the delegates at this year’s conference and can be reached by email at branding@ymun.org.

OF Conference and events:
jin chung







OF Branding:
sahra wahedi

Sahra (she/her) is a rising sophomore in Pierson College from Queens, New York. She is pursuing a major in Computer Science tentatively. Outside of YMUN, she is a Director of Communications for the Yale International Relations Leadership Institute and a Yale College Council Senator. In her free time, she enjoys vanilla ice cream, identifying constellations, and watching adventure films like Jurassic Park. She is beyond excited to serve as an Under-Secretary-General of Branding and meet all the delegates at YMUN LI. Please feel free to reach Sahra at branding@ymun.org.








 Join the Secretariat!

ASG APplications are open

Assistant-Secretary-General Applications are open too all Yale Undergraduate Students regardless of previous MUN experience.

Assistant-Secretary-General Applications are due Saturday, September 14th at 11:59PM. Click here for the link to the application.

Vice Chair applications coming soon!